Staving of the Darkness.
Called Home.
the dream of sacco and vanzetti.
Free Art School! Tar Baby shouting through the city streets.
big nose.
the heeds part 2: and so it begins.
Josephine Baker spreads her love to the city.
moment of self-realization no.2
phase change.
time introduction.
alarmclock bird montage.
and death followed her home.
child skeleton holding two alarmclock birds suspended in space with human brain turning into pure energy OR brainbows.
cityscape montage.
the conquering of death.
death by parasiticity.
follow me.
dunce bird holding nucleus.
the heeds.
hello stranger, nice to meet you.
in the morning.
communication at twilight.
on our way home.
another side of our mountain.
a gift of consciousness.
kid parasite.
prerequisite for success.
radioactive insect manipulating hobo pushing shopping cart with mud tires.
saint radonia: patron saint of the radon girls, or of all the poor souls that lie below in the name of profit.
skelenergy holding alarmclock bird.
dunce bird handling nuclear power.
the calming.
pt. 1 of conversations with Kerr.
three e.t.s.
well on our way.
spacecraft montage.
an alternate answer to "No".
the moment of self-realization.
intervention parade.
mother may i.
well on her way.
skeleton waltz.
the parade.
the road less traveled.
Our history.
the invalid's hotel.
white elephant in a fine china filled room.
beasts in the flower garden.
Staving of the Darkness.
Staving of the Darkness.

acrylic on wood. 2017.

Called Home.
Called Home.

acrylic and collage on canvas. 2018.

the dream of sacco and vanzetti.
the dream of sacco and vanzetti.

acrylic and collage on wood. 2012.


acrylic on wood. artwork for A Funeral Walkaway Parade album. 2017.

Free Art School! Tar Baby shouting through the city streets.
Free Art School! Tar Baby shouting through the city streets.

acrylic on wood. 2012.

big nose.
big nose.

acrylic on found still life print. 2012.

the heeds part 2: and so it begins.
the heeds part 2: and so it begins.

acrylic on wooden shutter...48" x 17"...2012

Josephine Baker spreads her love to the city.
Josephine Baker spreads her love to the city.

acrylic and collage on canvas board. 2012.

moment of self-realization no.2
moment of self-realization no.2

acrylic on canvas. 2012.

phase change.
phase change.

acrylic and collage on wood. 2012.

time introduction.
time introduction.

pen and colored pencil on paper. 2012.


acrylic on recycled wood. 5.5" x 8.5" 2011.

alarmclock bird montage.
alarmclock bird montage.

acrylic on wood panel. 7" x 12" 2011.

and death followed her home.
and death followed her home.

acrylic on canvas. 22.5" x 13.5" 2011.

child skeleton holding two alarmclock birds suspended in space with human brain turning into pure energy OR brainbows.
child skeleton holding two alarmclock birds suspended in space with human brain turning into pure energy OR brainbows.

acrylic on canvas. 41" x 83" 2011

cityscape montage.
cityscape montage.

acrylic on wood panel. 7" x 12" 2011.

the conquering of death.
the conquering of death.

acrylic on wood panel. 18" x 22" 2011.

death by parasiticity.
death by parasiticity.

acrylic on canvas board. 12" x 9" 2011.

follow me.
follow me.

acrylic on wood panel. 4" x 7" 2011. SOLD

dunce bird holding nucleus.
dunce bird holding nucleus.

acrylic on wood. 2012.

the heeds.
the heeds.

acrylic on found window shutter. 48" x 17" 2011.

hello stranger, nice to meet you.
hello stranger, nice to meet you.

acrylic on wood panel. 9" x 11" 2011. SOLD

in the morning.
in the morning.

acrylic on recycled wood. 9.5" x 17" 2011. SOLD

communication at twilight.
communication at twilight.

acrylic on recycled wood. 12" x 9" 2011.

on our way home.
on our way home.

acrylic on recycled wood. 21"x12" 2011-SOLD.

another side of our mountain.
another side of our mountain.

acrylic on canvas. 12.5" x 21.5" 2011.


acrylic and collage on canvas. 41" x 83" 2017.

a gift of consciousness.
a gift of consciousness.

acrylic on canvas. 9" x 11" 2011.

kid parasite.
kid parasite.

acrylic on wood panel. 4" x 7" 2011-SOLD

prerequisite for success.
prerequisite for success.

acrylic on found glass window. 35" x 19" 2011.

radioactive insect manipulating hobo pushing shopping cart with mud tires.
radioactive insect manipulating hobo pushing shopping cart with mud tires.

acrylic on paper. 10" x 6" 2011.

saint radonia: patron saint of the radon girls, or of all the poor souls that lie below in the name of profit.
saint radonia: patron saint of the radon girls, or of all the poor souls that lie below in the name of profit.

acrylic on canvas. 20.5" x 36" 2011.

skelenergy holding alarmclock bird.
skelenergy holding alarmclock bird.

acrylic on paper. double-sided. 2011.

dunce bird handling nuclear power.
dunce bird handling nuclear power.

acrylic on recycled wood. 6" x 5.5" 2011.

the calming.
the calming.

acrylic on wood panel. 12" x 18.5" 2011.

pt. 1 of conversations with Kerr.
pt. 1 of conversations with Kerr.

a post-mortem collaboration started in the 70's by Kerr, finished by dalton in 2011. acrylic on canvas. 47.5" x 47.5"

three e.t.s.
three e.t.s.

acrylic on wood panel. 4" x 7" 2011.

well on our way.
well on our way.

acrylic on wood panel. 13.5" x 16.5" 2019.

spacecraft montage.
spacecraft montage.

acrylic on wood panel. 2012.

an alternate answer to "No".
an alternate answer to "No".

acrylic on wood panel. 2010-SOLD

the moment of self-realization.
the moment of self-realization.

acrylic on wood panel. 2010-SOLD

intervention parade.
intervention parade.

acrylic on wood panel. 2010.

mother may i.
mother may i.

acrylic on canvas paper. 2009.

well on her way.
well on her way.

acrylic on wood panel. 2012. SOLD

skeleton waltz.
skeleton waltz.

acrylic on wood panel. 2010-SOLD

the parade.
the parade.

acrylic on canvas. 2009.

the road less traveled.
the road less traveled.

acrylic on canvas. 2010-SOLD.

Our history.
Our history.

collage on canvas. 2019.

the invalid's hotel.
the invalid's hotel.

acrylic on wood panel. 24" x 24" 2009.

white elephant in a fine china filled room.
white elephant in a fine china filled room.

acrylic on wood panel. collage frame. 28"x28" 2018.

beasts in the flower garden.
beasts in the flower garden.

acrylic on canvas. 2009.